Nada Nada Enchilada baby

That’s a really good fucking photo

I don’t know how that happened

But hot damn frame that shit

Today was crazy


Last Friday

Downloaded a bunch of new books to read

Circe I think

That Greek mythology one I’m reading now

And also Cribsheet

On how to statistically best grow your little one

Parenting book

Needed to read it for research I thought

So I read the section I needed to

Thought yeah sure why not

Today I leave lunch at the office late

Because I’m waiting for my bud Parker to get of a meeting

When I come back from the Halal truck

With chicken and rice

I see this sign from Etsy at our front door

Etsy is right next door

I go in and there’s a woman there

I ask her what’s going on

Event she says

Woman who wrote this book


Is talking


Right now LMAO

So I signed in and went to see this author

Got the balls to go up to the mic and ask a question

I was like trembling


Running my words inside my head

I wanted to make a scene to see what people I could attract afterwards

Make an imprinted moment

For the author if I wanted to reach out too

So I stood up and asked a question

After the meeting

I talk to the woman next to me who also works at my company

And turns out she studied child Edu tech in Stanford

And is willing to help

Amazing right

But also, someone heard my university

And she’s an alum

So I got to meet someone new


Went to jersey for the weekend

Had a really long Path train ride

Waited 10 min to take the wrong train out

Waited 10 more for the train back

Waited 10 more for the right train over

20 min in that train


”Twas fun

I’m learning

But mind on job searching

Excited to be working somewhere soon

Also focused on writing articles

Getting reads

And my linked in post had already reached 1500 views so that’s cool

Fun stuff

Posted social media post

For my escape room today

The more I do it

The more comfortable I am

I used to be terrified

But i do need someone to do it

I can’t keep on just thinking up posts and doing all that

Going to sleep

School is soon

Played Mario Kart a lot today on the switch



Air Hicks!

Just watched the most insane Yankees game in a while

The yanks this year have been incredible

I love this franchise so much

With OKC, I admittedly love Westbrook as much as I do the franchise

But lord I will love the Yanks until the day I die

Just phenomenal moments like this one

My roommate and I in the dark

Laptop only light in the room

Pitchers throwing balls

Batters hitting home runs

Aaron Hicks ending the game with the bases loaded 2 outs bottom of the 10th with a diving catch



It was back and forth the whole game and we came back from 2-8

If I dig up this blog post years later

Pls go back and watch the recap


Someone said it was like the rams & chiefs game last year

I remember that game

Sports man

I thought I was falling out of love with baseball

But man

It reaffirmed everything today

Post about Beyond Meat published yesterday

And got a couple of views!

Shared it on linked in

Excited to publish more

Need to meet with the escape room team

We got a sponsor and he’s a world renowned pianist lol

I want to get someone to build us a website

Work has become pretty interesting

Training the same topic modeling model

And that is wild

Automating people’s jobs is basically my job

And while their work is manual

My work has been highly manual training this too

And more intense I feel

Stakes are higher

I feel like I’m carrying their future burdens on my back

So that I can relieve them

But man the job is so complicated

Also managing a feature for a product

Application document ingress and egress

And also think I’m getting a new project tomorrow

Good experience I think for sure

Moral of the story

I thought it takes a month to get into the swing of things

Turns out it takes about 2

I’ll test that out

But the next time I want to get immersed somewhere I’ll definitely go for more than 2 months

Wow okay

Gotta sleep now

And chug coffee tmr to stay awake

But making progress on all fronts just gotta keep the pedal to the metal!

The Magnificent Seven Theme

The sky was extraordinarily orange

Isn’t that crazy?

I’m a bit Hugh

And I’m thinking about the sky being orange

My roommate came in at like 8:30

While I was cooking leftover beef and bamboo

With string beans

Also cooking lunch for tomorrow: 3 chicken fillets and some red pepper with garlic and some angel hair pasta

He comes in

And is like

It is SO orange outside

Like it was the most orange outside

I’m a bit Hugh but

I’m remembering all these “memories” from when I was a kid

Right now I’m seeing an orange sky with an orange sunset

Like on a square picture book

I can hear helicopters outside

I’m going to be sleepy at work tomorrow

Watched hardcore Harry

Didn’t like it because of the violence

But I liked the concept of something like a VR movie

I feel like when the first full feature VR movie gets made

And it’s such a life changing experience that you have to try it

It will finally become mainstream

But man people are strange things

I think man

I was listening to old Disney theme songs

And bam

Now my mind is trying to dig up more buried memories

And feelings

And jingles and faces

And it’s trying to make stuff up

But truth is

If it makes something up now and plants the seed

It might actually work since everything back there is so blurry

Went to church today

Old one that parents used to go to

Cool thing, heard from missionaries in Indonesia


I am quick to criticize religious expeditions now

Especially as I’m reading the book sapiens


They have been there for 7 years and given a significant portion of their lives to the cause



We got a world renowned pianist to sponsor the escape room! Haha

I’m going to spend some money on some endeavors

I’m excited

Pumped ready to work

Oh and I’m writing articles

Beyond Meat

Libra FAcebook

And Strsnger things season 3

Oh what I wanted to say was

I wish I had seen the orange sky

I feel like it would have absolutely blown my mind

And i have a feeling that orange sky meant something we don’t understand yet


Turquoise Sky

Blitz Bitch

Went to CN for the weekend

And wow were the trees refreshing

I love the feeling of being on the train


Just riding somewhere

Looking at small towns and trees pass by

I’m going to go through some small towns

I’ve decided to make my way back to Texas not by plane

Anything but

I need to find a way to send my luggage back though

And live on just a duffel

That’ll be optimal

Went to see my god brothers

Met a bunch of people

Most grew up there

Went to high school together


Everyone’s just from a couple mile radius

Wonder what it’s like to grow up among the trees

With cars

And houses and shit

Places to like sneak off to

So much space


Your own places

To sneak off to

There were fireworks and barbecue

I felt anxiety

A little bit

Super fucking unnecessary

But my head hurt from being in the sun

Apparently you gotta run with the curve of the frisbee

I was upstairs just like nervous to go down for a bit

Then it was fine

This nice girl offered me a Roman Candle

She did it like it was a rose lmao

Like had it behind her back and whipped it out

Kinda strange but I appreciated it

They were fun

Oh and we had unlimited sushi the night before

In this new mall building

With modern architecture

Weird and strange

Every time I see an mall in a small American town now

I think of Starcourt and Stranger Things

Good weekend

Good to be away from the city honestly

There was a blackout while I was gone

And some people were happy

Made them feel like they were alive

I like that

I’m in kind of a mood Rn where I wish it was the 80’s or something

Feel like it would have been a good time


Wouldn’t have stranger things though

I want to do film

I want to do some type of project on my way down to houston

Kinda want to try hitchhiking

Just once just for the story to prove that it isn’t a terrible concept?

Started Twin Peaks today

Really weird show

Really weird music combos?

I like seeing how much shows reveal at what points in time

Just enough to suck you in and also hold the tension

I think I like creative entertainment shit

The woods were great

I’m excited for that trip

Have a feeling it will be great

Bought some patches supposedly cures Asian glow and the side effects

We’ll see lol

Jeez another week of work coming up

But so few weeks left!



UWTB – potential additional tattoo

I think I do want awas

Just need to figure out where

Oh and uh

I’ve been obsessed with Fleetwood


And Tusk

Different days, different songs

But man

Dream has really grown on me

Turquoise Sky

Blitz Bitch

Went to CN for the weekend

And wow were the trees refreshing

I love the feeling of being on the train


Just riding somewhere

Looking at small towns and trees pass by

I’m going to go through some small towns

I’ve decided to make my way back to Texas not by plane

Anything but

I need to find a way to send my luggage back though

And live on just a duffel

That’ll be optimal

Went to see my god brothers

Met a bunch of people

Most grew up there

Went to high school together


Everyone’s just from a couple mile radius

Wonder what it’s like to grow up among the trees

With cars

And houses and shit

Places to like sneak off to

So much space


Your own places

To sneak off to

There were fireworks and barbecue

I felt anxiety

A little bit

Super fucking unnecessary

But my head hurt from being in the sun

Apparently you gotta run with the curve of the frisbee

I was upstairs just like nervous to go down for a bit

Then it was fine

This nice girl offered me a Roman Candle

She did it like it was a rose lmao

Like had it behind her back and whipped it out

Kinda strange but I appreciated it

They were fun

Oh and we had unlimited sushi the night before

In this new mall building

With modern architecture

Weird and strange

Every time I see an mall in a small American town now

I think of Starcourt and Stranger Things

Good weekend

Good to be away from the city honestly

There was a blackout while I was gone

And some people were happy

Made them feel like they were alive

I like that

I’m in kind of a mood Rn where I wish it was the 80’s or something

Feel like it would have been a good time


Wouldn’t have stranger things though

I want to do film

I want to do some type of project on my way down to houston

Kinda want to try hitchhiking

Just once just for the story to prove that it isn’t a terrible concept?

Started Twin Peaks today

Really weird show

Really weird music combos?

I like seeing how much shows reveal at what points in time

Just enough to suck you in and also hold the tension

I think I like creative entertainment shit

The woods were great

I’m excited for that trip

Have a feeling it will be great

Bought some patches supposedly cures Asian glow and the side effects

We’ll see lol

Jeez another week of work coming up

But so few weeks left!



UWTB – potential additional tattoo

I think I do want awas

Just need to figure out where


That is all

My guy for years

Has been traded

Surprisingly to my city

H Town

My senior year of college

I’ll get to root for my dude

In person

And I’ll go to games

More than I have ever

Just to see my guy


First off

Why not?

But also

This guy brought me hope and happiness

I’m not even exaggerating

Russell Westbrook was a constant in my life through lots of struggle

He kept on going

Triple double after triple double

Playoff after playoff

After being stabbed in the back by KD

He stayed loyal and constant

Not a lot of things have been constant in my life

And I strongly believe that

In order to feel safe and excel

Consistency in some shape or form is so important

For some people it’s a show

For some people it’s family or their significant other

For some people it’s good food, cooked just right

For some people it’s a physical home

And for me, these past couple of years

It’s been Westbrook

I remember all the moments man

I watched every single game I could

Watched him the night my lung gave out

Watched him break the triple double record

Hit game typing or go ahead shots that MVP year

I ran around my dorm yelling

Showing my friends his highlights

If anything was going wrong

Which it often was

Westbrook still fought hard

And even if he didn’t get the win

He went hard and gave it its all

I love OKC as a franchise because I really do identify with it

It’s smart


Does well but not so so well that it hits the home run

But it’s grinding

It has now 15 draft picks in the first round until 2026 I think

It won’t give in to mediocrity

I’m not going to get cast

And that’s fine

I’m not going to let that get me down

Haha honestly it kind of has

I just wanted a chance

A shot

But even through being traded

Westbrook has given me joy man

He’s leaving but he’s coming to my city

And I’m excited to see him

Will be sad when the Rockets destroy the young Thunder team

But man

I can’t wait to see him in person

Thank you Westbrook

Thanks for your loyalty, tenacity, and your ability to always be yourself

It’s inspired

And your time in OKC will always be a big part of my life

See you soon, number 0


Sweet Little Lies

I was bawling man

Crying like a baby

Stranger Things 3

Haha I swear I’m not exaggerating

Had a good day

Got hosted by this tech company

Networking event for interns

Met some really really cool people

That might definitely open some doors

There are so many paths life can take you down

I didn’t get a call today or email

I just want a shot

To change my life and do what I love

I swear man just a shot

I think I’m going to really prioritize creative work

I can’t just do tech

It’s not enough

Tech can’t make me get this emotional

People idolize tech nowadays

For good and for bad

It’s either the savior of mankind

Or the destructor of parity and privacy and everything that is moral and good

I love film

Want to say that I would study it


I love so many different things

Wish I had many lives

To pursue every one thing I love with all my heart and energy

I can’t keep track of everything I am doing

But Jesus Christ

That fucking scene where the kids say goodbye to each other

Ones like

What if you go off and join some other party

The other ones like

That’s impossible

I feel that

Some bonds I hold

Are held eternal

Like for real for real, no dramatic shit there

But others fade

That’s what’s sad about childhood friendships

And that scene

They might fade

I miss my friends

All my best friends are spread across everywhere

I haven’t felt deeply in a while

Forgot what it felt to be loved

What that was like

Until the show reminded me

And that’s the power

It’s asynchronous from lives events

And I know

I realize

I was just bitching about the tragedy of Netflix yesterday

But lord I didn’t know I was going to get hit like this today

And another thing

We never know what we know

We never feel 100% about anything

At least never consistently

Kevin Durant goes to the Warriors

It happens

Please just give me a goddamn shot

I need to go off and travel and find emotion and purpose

Want a genuine connection

Somebody to love and care for

That won’t just


Or leave

Just need a shot

PUDDLE! At a Frozen singalong




Talking to my roommate about ships right

This film casting call has really got me thinking

It’s got me fucking going


I mean I know performing is what I love

It’s just hard as an Asian guy


To like get into Harvard right

Or clown school

Or a role in your local play

You gotta fit the bill

Either with GPA, or stunts, or roles played before

Because I’m not the majority race

I don’t fit the bill most of the time

I’m a commodity

Not a mainstay

Pickles, not rice

And it’s tough

Because I know this is what I really enjoy

I would love auditioning and doing all this

I think

The world just doesn’t really support it at the moment

And the thing is

I beat myself up over it

Because I feel like


White people have all the opportunities in the world!

They can literally go try out for anything!

And I group all white people into one

Tall ones, short ones, dumb and extremely smart

Models and not so great looking ones

And I’m like man

I just wanna be like the white folk

Because damn I would have all the opportunities

Chasing after what I see

When in fact

Very few white people fit the bill too

Yes, it is true that they get much more shots

But not every white person gets those shots

And why isn’t being a commodity just as good

I love pickles

Pickle is also a serialization library in Python, I learned yesterday

I think that’s the big problem with today’s world

With globalization and everything trending towards a unification

For real guys this shit is real

We chase after what we see

And bring ourselves down when we compare

We wish to be in the other side

When in fact we’re not seeing the entire other side

We’re zoomed in on speck of glorious dirt randomly sprinkled in

But we hate our lil piece of dirt and envy the other side

Kill ourselves over that shit

Embrace the commodity?

Not quite the best solution

But a good one

Love yourself

Make your speck of dirt as special

And maybe you’ll tip the scales

But what I was saying was


I want the camaraderie of being on a ship with a crew

We all rely on each other

Everyone has their role

Clearly defined

And everyone is needed

Small and large roles

I realized just now

That that’s what I found in doing a production

You bond with the cast and crew

Everyone is in it together

You are all in the same boat

Trying to sail through a rough sea

And when you do there’s an audience waiting

And you gotta make up a show to please them to gain an entry visa

That’s how I see doing shows


Man I love stranger things

I’ve been thinking about shows a lot

And the psychology behind them

Heck I mean I kind of like shows more than my own fucking life

I have a theory that shows are what’s making us depressed

How’s that for a thesis

Netflix is what’s causing our mental anguish

It’s unrealistic

Either unrealistically bad or unrealistically great

Or else it would just be like our lives

And if it was just like our lives

We wouldn’t pay

So the whole industry needs to create content that isn’t realistic

As far off from it as it can

If Netflix was just documentaries it wouldn’t survive

And even documentaries are of like

Serial killers and shit

You spend a couple of hours with some nut job

You’d get uncomfortable

And it might even fucking scar you for a while

Get you kind of fucked in the mind

But people are willingly doing this

I yearn guys

I fucking yearn to be part of the world of stranger things

Yearn! Like I have never felt that word more

It’s not even like my life is boring or I am bored

I am lonely

That is a fact

But in terms of like where I’m at

I got a job, I got money, I got a relatively bright future that I hope I didn’t just jinx,

Education from an amazing school

Family that is relatively intact

And I’m still fucked up by this

People talk about not knowing what to do with their lives after they finish a show


People used to watch tv shows like not that much

Because they weren’t on demand

Now they’re more and more on demand

DVR recording shit, then DVD’s and blue rays

And now just however much you want

All day all night

So much that we can’t choose what to depress ourselves more on


But I love the show I yearn to be part of it

YEARN!! Haha

I wanted to mention

Damn I think Robin from Scoops Ahoy is beautiful

My suite mate thinks her ears are too big

But I like that haha

Her parents are Uma fucking Thurman

And Ethan goddamn Hawke


Also wanted to say that I have been working out

Consistently 3 times a week

And I can feel the results

See them almost

Weigh more cause I’m eating

And lift more

So it’s cool

Tipping point maybe?