I Say a Little Prayer


Feelings for someone

It’s funny bc if you think about how technically our existence is meant for reproduction

Feelings are the point of life

Feelings lead us to situations where we reproduce

So they are what are most important thing in life

I explained an English thing to a coworker today

It’s 10 Card Limit, not 10 Cards Limit

Like 52 Card Pickup, not 52 Cards Pickup

She thought I made a typo when I typed 10 Card Limit lol

And I was like oh no English is weird

I didn’t even know how to explain it or Google the rule

I’ve been drawing Chuck Wagon the koala everyday

Practicing drawing his body in different situations and poses

Been putting real life backgrounds behind him and I really like that vibe

Some design and some illustration

It gives me joy

But what really sparks life in me is feelings

There was a lack of these feelings with D

I love her, but in a deep family care type of way I think

My experiment was to see if that would evolve into warm fuzzy

But I’m not sure it will, at least in months

Or especially when you are meeting and interacting with other people who might give you that feeling

Then you compare, then you have expectations

I picked up a book about the basics of economics today

I took ECON in college, and this book still explains things better

I think sometimes learning is like layering paint

The first layer is kind of light, but you need to put on another layer for it to start standing out

Or evolve into the color you wanted- the actual useful color

I had a good day because I felt feelings and joy

With this girl at work

I have feelings for her- all our coworkers were at a different location today, and it was just us

So we went out for lunch at this tiny pasta place

I like how I can talk to her about my life and not feel like there are comparisons

She’s just different, and also at a same stage I feel like she is a sibling but no platonic feeling

She has a boyfriend, so sometimes I feel as if she thinks we are completely platonic

But she was laughing so hard today I don’t believe feelings are not shared

Like if one person truly feels feelings, like laugh together in a genuine way

The other person has to feel some sort of sparked joy

I dunno

Then at the end of the day I went to her desk and waited for her to finish up and leave together

It felt like middle school it was fun lmao

I stopped talking to D after a dream

I have told this dream to multiple friends

They think it’s hilarious I love it too

It’s of me on this large, fake dinosaur with others – we’re all like just trying to stay on bc it’s weirdly shaped right

It’s like an Apatosaurus 🦕

And it’s in this huge red room, kind of like an experiment

We’re just chilling until at some point, the people announce that we can like touch each other

And do whatever, like play time in Brave New World

And I started with this first girl and felt nothing much

But this second girl, who was Luc from high school, I kissed

And I like actually kissed this person I swear the dream was that visceral

And idk how but I woke up right after the kiss

And I felt just ALIVE

I realized I needed to meet new people perhaps date, and feel that LIFE

The excitement of a new relationship, of feelings, of a first kiss with someone you are interested in

I worked out my legs for the first time at a gym in like two years

Cannot believe it!! Will slowly work back

Not going to stop breathing fire

But starting to find my way, slowly

Reading that Little Fires book – got sucked in so it’s 2AM now

Need to sleep, but just had a good day I wanted to record!

COVID Doritos

Here it is old blog it’s time to write

I am once again in pain

In struggle

In depression

Woe to me

I feel as if my job isn’t progressing as I want – the company feels exceedingly stagnant

I feel as my relationship life isn’t amazing – it isn’t giving me excitement

I feel as my drawing and music – my art is still at the fundamental stage, so hasn’t yielded any fruit

I feel as I am still scared and insecure of things I have been for a long time

If not being able to drink alcohol

Of being skinnier and smaller

Of being Asian in western dominated spaces

Of being too western in Asian dominated spaces

All sorts of problems that I put myself into

I should take it easy

Nothing seems to spark joy

My best friend does, but he started hanging out with people without me

Which hurts

I had a falling out with another friend

I was not wrong, and she was in the wrong I believe, so I do not know how to mend it

She did send an email apology, maybe I should message her sometime

I need to make cookies? That sparks joy lol I need to learn how to make better cookies

The idea of hosting an Airbnb sparks joy

Hosting an event sparks joy

Acting in a play sparks joy

I want to do stuff not just sit at a desk

How can I do stuff and not waste my life sitting at a desk

To be honest being a consultant is very appealing to me I think I would love it

Mentorship sparks joy

I am just not living the life I want lol

Need to talk to Vicky about it

Should I go back to America and work in tech again? How would that make me happier lol

I need to do more art, but with more people?

Art doesn’t necessarily spark joy either tho if I take it too seriously

I need play u know

More importantly I think I need a stable role

If I have a stable role I can keep going

I just feel like my role right now is too unstable

I just gotta take it easy?

Rest, stretch

Why work out? To go on dates? Feel better about my body?

Might need to leave Dora to feel better?

Geez big questions

Leave Taiwan for a bit for sure I guess feel like a human again not just in an extended morbid COVID show

Sounds like a plan

Keep drawing Chuck though

I need to be around people, host people in experiences yeah

Figuring myself out I really am