Orientation Eclipse

I was doing fine I think

Just being damn lazy just in bed all day sleeping until 2

The rice cooker was on the floor and I crouched down to get another bowl

When I stood back up, my left chest hurt when I breathed in

Hurt when I breathed out

I thought no way what the fuck

It was the night before I would start my first full time job

The world was straight up fucking with me

My dad literally did not believe me

I have fucked everything up

Put a dent in the side of my car

Hit someone

Bacterial infection

Sick here too another bacterial infection

Everytime I come here something goes bad

And this time it was my chest

Decided to go to the emergency room because it wouldn’t go away

In fact it’s a whole damn day later and it’s still there

They did an EKG, a blood test, and an XRay

All came back normal

Nothing in particular to look at

I swear I feel like I have a blood clot

I know I’m not supposed to fucking diagnose myself

But my left leg has been in great discomfort for a long time

I think it’s the pelvis section and it traveled up

Again I don’t know it’s probably minor but

The doctors didn’t show much concern

It’s just that my chest literally hurts

It’s sharp localized pain

I went to work – my second dad drove up with my dad

He was proud he dropped me off

Went into a quick orientation and started learning things

Talked to my manager and saw his manager and met some people

The day flew by I actually spent most of it alone just

Reading about the company and asking questions

Lots of questions about how the business works and have no idea how the tech works

All the time my chest just hurting right

So scared man

Since my other accident happened

The self inflicted incident

I have been so anxious all the time

But like deathly anxious like depressed and panicked

Scared of everything just sense of doom

Feel like death is around the corner

I’m so scared of this blood clot if it is

I am so afraid of the fact that my chest has been hurting for 24 hours

Ibuprofen did not help

Getting a checkup tomorrow and I hope I get answers

I have not told my mother and honestly it’s just so hard

Have not told her about the crash too

I have made her panic so badly she’s gone to the ambulance before

I can’t deal with this

I’m so scared she’ll be so scared

Hard to focus on my work like this and be in it

Especially now that COVID is happening here too

It’s like the perfect storm out to fuck me

I need to have faith and just stay strong

Believe that the doc will try his best to heal me

Just do my job

Praying for my health

My leg, my chest

I just want to know why this is happening to me…


Good day right

My mom gave me a kindle (bc I lost mine a couple of weeks ago), some baby oranges, and dried mangos

I don’t know what I’m going to do living away from my mom

Truly don’t know how I’m going to leave my parents again

Probably just need to be healthy and I’ll be confident and feel like I can live again

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